Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Style, Substance, Sustenance: Defining the Future of Fashion

'Can fast fashion ever be sustainable?', a question I have pondered upon more than anything else in the past few years, and yet failed to provide myself with a satisfactory answer. As I understand, sustainable fashion means to maximize benefits to customers and minimize adverse impact on environment. 

Each time we hear the words 'environment degradation', our visual sense tends to drift towards instances like massive thermal plants, deforestation, raw sewage piped into our waterways; we rarely ever think of the clothes that we are wearing. Not many of us are aware of the fact that currently the multi-billion fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the world. With million tons of textile being disposed off every year, it is certain that the carbon footprint the industry is leaving behind is massive. Each one of us should start exploring ways to make a positive difference. 

One of the easiest ways for us to contribute is to buy a lot less than we do today. We need to understand that every garment has an environmental footprint at every stage of production and also continues to impact the environment after purchase. Washing and final disposal when we are done with our garment causes more harm to the environment than we realize.

However, there have been events and projects that we can all rejoice about. Anyone keeping a tab on the fashion industry for the last few years, is bound to be well aware of the era of responsibility rushing in. Fast fashion brands have been realising their responsibility towards the environment. H&M's Conscious and Zara's join life project on ethical fashion serve as proof to the growing awareness among the producers as well as consumers. With events like Copenhagen Fashion Summit shaping the future of sustainable fashion, one can be assured that there is only one way forward: sustainable and ethical fashion replacing fast fashion.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

What's Trend-In?

Around the globe in 4 weeks? New York! London! Milan! Paris! 
Yes, a jam packed fashion calendar indeed. 
Had the fashion capitals unanimously accepted the idea of 'see now buy now', I would've been documenting spring/summer trends, but I have no regrets not doing so.  Following the 'when-you-see-three-count-it-in' rule, and juggling between high school obligations and catching up with the global fashion month,here is a compilation of the trends that have got me hooked . 

Cropped Trousers

Hands down one of my personal favourites. Not to sound too bias, but certainly bags the top rank in the most workable trends list. Yes, this trend is so chic and its here to stay! Defying all seasonal factors, it can be carried well all year round. And the best part? There's a perfect fit pair for everyone; have fun discovering yours! 


Sweet. Sensitive. Sensual. Fancy. Nothing speaks more feminine than our beloved ruffles. And its no more restricted to spring/summer. Ruffled hems, ruffled necklines, ruffled sleeves, ruffled skirts, ruffled pants even! A trend too busy ruling the runway this fashion season. Season after season, ruffles are being reinterpreted. We can safely say that its not fading anytime soon. 

Bomber Jacket

Want to pull up your sport-luxe game? This is the trend for you! I did have my share of doubts about this one, but with it being increasingly spotted being worn by street stars around the globe, it was bound to find itself a spot in the list. The good news is that it now comes in a wide range to choose from; from embellished to embroidered, you name it , you have it.



Certainly not for the faint hearted wanting to play it safe. Nobody wants to be seen as a knight in shining armor, which makes this trend kind of risky. It is better to under-do it than over-do it; this calls for a strategic mix of dressy and casual. The runway played witness to subtle hints of metals, in just the perfect amount. 

(Faux) Fur

Its no secret that Autumn/Winter is synonymous to fur! Faux fur, yes please. (Winter sans fur, is that even a thing?) Since London, Milan and Paris put down their foot and clearly declined the idea of 'see now buy now' which was invading the traditional idea of fashion seasons, the fur had its role to play acting as the fall/winter element in most of the runway shows. This time over, the fur was seen strategically being placed along the neckline. 

...and thats a wrap! Till next time!